Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness


Sunday Morning


Every Sunday we gather for the Holy Eucharist (also called Communion or The Mass). Together we lift our voices in praise, hear the proclamation of Holy Scripture, and partake in the sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood. Our worship is rooted in the beauty of the Anglican Tradition. The worship of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the heart of our life as a church.


Wednesday Evening


On Wednesday’s we meet in the Parish Hall for Bible Study. We close our time of study at 7:00pm with the brief service of Compline, the night time prayers of the church. This service is quiet and centered on praying the Psalms, reading scripture, and prayers for rest and peace.

Special Occasions

Throughout the year, there are a number of special occasions that are marked with public worship. To stay up-to-date on what is being offered follow the link to our calendar or follow us on Facebook.